Publication responsibilities

Author support

  • provide an online form for final manuscript submission
  • enforce collection of parsable data
  • notify of potential formatting issues

Organizer support

  • provide a link to access the uploaded manuscripts
  • full control of uploaded work
  • provide means to send publication status updates to all authors
  • provide online means to group manuscripts into sessions

Formatting compliance

  • verification of fonts, font size, layout, etc.
  • verification of contact information formatting within the manuscript
  • image resolution/readability verification

Bibliographical matters

  • provide standardized reference format to articles
  • as necessary, obtain ISSN and ISBN numbers
  • collect copyright transfers

Copyright transfer

  • set up a flexible online copyright transfer form
  • copyright restriction level is decided by the organizers

Media production

  • assist with file format conversions where necessary
  • compile cover, preface, introduction, forewords, and biographies as necessary
  • affix page numbers and copyright notices to all work
  • assemble all work in production ready state


  • post production dissemination of the published material to academic institutions and industry
  • facilitate transfer to digital libraries of choice

Indexing responsibilities

Submission to the following indexing engines

  • Submission to major scientific indexes.

Submission to specialized indexes

  • depending on the nature of the topic, work will be submitted for indexing with specialized indexes

Taking suggestions

  • we welcome suggestions regarding indexing from both authors and organizers

The publishing data collected by XPS will be made available to the largest possible number of indexes. If you have a specific index in mind, please send an email to and appropriate action will be taken to include the index you suggest.

While XPS makes every effort to comply to all requests made by the indexing providers, in the end the indexing process rests with the index provider. Nobody can offer guarantee with respect to indexing, but XPS guarantees that articles and abstracts will be properly submitted for indexing.

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